Project proposal for the competition Art in The Urban Space at Prerower Platz in Berlin - Lichtenberg

The starting point of the project How Do We Want To Live, is the examination of the spatial, architectural and social prerequisites of the site. The serial style architecture of the residential development around Prerower Platz, triggered the idea to engage with the residents of the area, inviting them to engage with modular elements, referring to the complexity of the neighbourhood.

For the competition Art in The Urban Space at Prerower Platz I suggest a temporary installation with plant boxes and cubic elements. On the one hand, the installation is intended to create a green space, to animate and revaluate the public space around the central fountain and, on the other hand, to facilitate a series of participatory events. The aim of the project is to create an animated public area, that invites the passer-by to linger and have fun, as well as to encourage encounter and exchange.

The basic elements of my installation are wooden plant boxes and cubic elements, thus modules in different sizes and colours. These cubic elements can be used as benches, but they also have a performative quality.

An important part of the work are the conversations around the topic of ‘Living at Prerower Platz’ with the local people interested to become involved in the project. Excerpts from these conversations held prior to the project’s actual installation on the square are printed on text panels and mounted on signs in the plant boxes. The text panels offer a moment of surprise, as they do not provide information about plants and flowers as expected, but render social, political, economic and societal aspects of the neighbourhood visible.

During the planning and production of the modular elements, great emphasis is placed on a natural, ecological approach to materials and a sustainable dealing with resources. The wooden elements will therefore be recycled and find new use after the project.

On the long run, the suggested project wishes to contribute to and raise awareness on the current discussion on sustainable urban development and housing. Art projects that engage with urban gardening can help generate social networks, community and participation within a neighbourhood.

Participatory art project
Text pannels visualization
Excerpts from conversations with participants